Friday, February 20, 2015

I learn to live half alive

Betul lah kan ,manusia ni macam macam ragam .
macam macam sikap , attitude ,emotion ,etc etc
every single person on earth has their own way to express themselves.
to define themselves in their own unique way .

Aku ?
lebih suka perhati cara orang sebab diri sendiri taktahu cara unik apa yang aku guna to define myself 
infact aku rasa macam tak ada pun haha .
So ,i prefer to hear others story and learned from it .

Kita berkawan dengan ramai orang 
tak kira lapisan umur right ?
And yes ,from that kita boleh learn more and explore more .

Kematangan seseorang tak ditakrifkan melalui umur seseorang ,
For me,a person level of maturity depends on the way he/she thinks .
Well,semua orang ada pendapat masing masing kan .

Semalam i talk to someone yg we used to be friends dulu 
lama gila lost contact tapi alhamdulillah ah jumpa balik 
cehh gaya macam dipisahkan antara benua je .
Ok so,bila dengar cerita dia i was like terkesima pun ada .
Jarak umur kitorang lebih kurang 5 tahun kot (not really sure act )
Sampai aku macam speechless taktahu nak bagi respon apa sbb bodoh sangat haha .
Matang nya cara dia cakap .
So manly and so different .

And yup its from the way he thinks .
jauh sangat lah kalau nak disamakan dgn diri yg kerdil ini .
But yeah semua orang ada cara masing masing and i respect his opinion .

So,to conclude ..
explore yourself more and you'll find the unique sides of yourself in sha Allah .
May Allah ease . 

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